TheArt and Science of Manaing the Large Family

Large Family Logistics

Ann�s One-Hamper Laundry System for a family of 8

VERY simple laundry tips:


The ONE hamper system---makes the wash keep going!


1. Have  only one basket in the laundry room---because of high volume, having only one basket makes you keep the wash always moving.  When I  had many baskets, I just stored dirty clothes longer before washing!  Now with only one basket (my great-grandmother's wicker basket), I keep the wash always going--one before breakfast, one after breakfast, one after lunch. 


2. No baskets in children's rooms--so no dirty clothes are stored all over the house--children and parents keep clothes off floors and in that ONE basket in the laundry room.


3. Children fold laundered clothes during read aloud time--they don't even notice they are working and it keeps hands moving during a good story!


4. Children place folded clothes on beds.  NO HAMPERS--hampers are just places to store more clothes.  With no hampers all clothes must go away!


5. Mama MUST put clothes away into closets (labelled shelves) at bedtime so that children can snuggle into bed.


I sort when I load--when there is only one hamper, it only takes a minute to sort:  load of jeans, load of darks, load of lights, load of towels.  We have a front load washer, so as I quickly whip through that ONE wicker hamper sorting out everything to make a load, the little toddler gets to feel MOST helpful by loading the washing machine for me--he comes running when he sees me head to the laundry room!  So, sorting is real quick when there is only only ONE wicker hamper.

This system might not work for some, but with a family of eight, we have been running this system for 4 years now and it works INFINITELY better than when I had 4 hampers for sorting clothes and several hampers for folding, carrying laundry and hampers in children's rooms.  Too many hampers just holding dirty clothes and then I forgot to keep running the washing machine!  I work better with only ONE hamper beside the washing machine (and ONE in the summer to carry clothes out to hang clothes on the line)----works for me ~smile~



Very simple system that works for this family of 8!



Ann Voskamp

Writing for an audience of One at

Writing living geography online for children--and God's glory--at

