Dear Son #1 was inspired by another loft/desk that he saw at the county fair in 2004 that another boy had made. He was originally going to make a bunk of double beds, a single loft to make an L shape and the desk under the single loft. However, after starting the project he decided against it. The ceiling in this room is a bit short and the bottom double bed under a top seemed like he might be claustrophobic. Notice though, that the double bed is sitting on 2x6s so nothing can get under there. A more advanced plan would include drawers. The boys that sleep in this room won�t have to do the �Under the Bed Cleaning�! DS#1 tells me that he will give me a complete materials list and what it cost. He said that he bought more lumber than he needed because of modifications of his original plan and modifications that he made along the way so he will adjust for that.

If you�re wondering what age of child could make this for you in your home, ds#1 started this when he was still 13 and completed it after he was 14 (our schedule interfered with his time for construction projects). His previous experience in building done on his own includes step stools for littles at the sink, an entertainment center/cupboard, some very nice solid saw horses, a bed tray made completely from scraps, and a fort. The fort is quite a story in itself. With his dad he helped build the playhouse and probably a lot of other things around here.

The loft

Two twin beds on top, double on bottom, and very large countertop/desk with deep book shelves behind and a bulletin board between the desk and bed. The bunk for ds#3 has a guard rail.

The desk under a twin loft. You could put another twin or double under this.