Why do you homeschool? |
Why do we homeschool. . . hmmm. ... .I'll do my best. :)
When I started homeschooling, I did it to protect my children from the big bad world out there! I didn't want all those government programs brainwashing my sweet little children! I didn't want those mean little kids hurting my children, terrorizing them or teaching them bad things that I didn't think they should know! I didn't want those teachers spending more time with my children and seeing their eyes light up when they discovered something new, while I sat at home waiting for them to return and missing it all.
Well now . . . 10 years later, some of those reasons haven't really changed, but I have maybe a little different perspective. I have changed a lot since then and some things have grown to be of great importance to me.
"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7
How would I to do as He asks, when they would be away from me all day.
I could see rushed mornings, trying to get everyone loaded up and out the door. Instead of our relaxed mornings working and laughing and sharing together, I could see siblings who have grown up playing contently together, turn to outside sources for their close friendships and activities and could see how that could take a toll on our close family relationship. (I am not saying my children should have no other friends, but I have often witnessed the lack of community at home, when too many others are thrown into the mix and the age segregation that takes place.) I have heard the disrespect that comes from the mouths of those who feel that "their friends and teachers" know more than "their parents." I don't want to have to worry about who my child is "hanging out" with, or what "new words" they are going to bring home to share with the rest of us. I don't want to have to unteach, what shouldn't have been taught in the first place, whether learned in the classroom or on the playground.
Maybe some of the previous reasons would be thought of as the thoughts of an overprotective parent. :) I guess I am willing to live with that. I don't believe that God is going to scold me for that when the times comes.
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20
I am not saying that I am the wisest person around, but I just need to compare myself to a bunch a 2nd - 9th grade classmates. I hope I would come out on top. :)
Time goes too quickly as it is. My little boy is already 14. I don't quite know how that happened. When we started this venture, I didn't even try and look down the road. I would have been too afraid! I am sure many thought, "Oh, this won't last for long", or "She will give up in a few years." If you would have asked me, that might have even been the answer I would have given you. :) But you know what? I wouldn't trade one of the past homeschooling days for all the riches in the world. I wouldn't be willing to trade in even one of the special moments that God has blessed me with. I can think of so many good times we have had . . .
The times I have spent cuddled up in a recliner with my son studying science, or one of those great afternoons spent reading aloud with all of the children cuddled up listening contently to some wondrous story unfolding, or even making play dough and watching them all dig in while their creative juices were flowing, or the time we found that great book on Monet and after reading it through, we were able to find one of his paintings on the internet and they all tried their hand at copying his work, or how about the day I was sick and I mentioned how good split pea soup sounded and they all gathered out in the kitchen to make some for me, or the day they decided they all wanted to make a pie by themselves. They turned out wonderful!! How about all the times the little girls can be found chasing or being chased around the room by Jacob, "the mountain lion"! or one of the older girls carrying the baby around trying to calm her down for her nap, or maybe one of the afternoons when one of them is cuddled up on the couch with Katelyn and her pile of books and they are reading her to sleep. There are the afternoons of high energy when I watch as they are all outside bouncing around on the trampoline while their faces are just beaming with delight!
I also believe we have had our moments when our lights have been shining! In summers past, there have been as many as 16 children in out yard enjoying the closeness that our family shares.
These are only a few of the many things I would have missed out on, if they were "at school." Isn't God good! :)
Everyday isn't picture perfect, but I bet you I could find at least 10 moments everyday, that I wouldn't trade for the world! My children tend to gather where I am, they love to work in the kitchen and be creative with me, they share their thoughts with me, we like to brainstorm and come up with crazy ideas together. (Just ask Kent :) ) We like to have people over. Although mom sometimes gets stressed out about that! :) They help me many times with out even having to be asked and we all enjoy each others company!
God has been so kind as to bless me with these 6 undeserved blessings and I am going to do my very best to make him proud. :)
Maybe this isn't exactly what you were looking for in an answer, but this is what is most important to me. Sure the academics are important and that of course is a part of each day, but as I look to the future, what I long to see are adults who love their families, their parents and who willingly serve and love their Lord.
But those who wait upon the Lord
Isaiah 40 |
By Kim Lehman |
Date: 12/05 |