I am the Mom of 13. So we know laundry tips! :)

Rather than spend all the time labeling garments with a colour system or sewing machine. We use permanent marker. I write the initial or first two letters if need be on each garment in an inconspicuous spot. You can label on the tag at a shirt back or the waistband of undies. For socks I just try to purchase colour socks which is much easier than labeling anything. By that I mean our sons for example all have several black socks. I just make sure I purchase socks with any designer tag in a specific colour for each son. Our son Philip has all the black socks with FUBU (the label) written in red while our son Matt has the socks with the designer tag written in blue. It just makes it so much easier and simpler with little time involved and you don't even have to leave the kitchen table. As soon as garments come into the house and are unpackaged or tried on etc we just label them and presto its done.


Dawn Elliot is member of the Professional Organizers in Canada and spends her spare time doing seminars. She has a DVD that contains about an hour of footage with several key pointers that will make a huge difference in family management. It works for their family of 13 children and from the feed back and reviews has been well received. She has had the advantage of doing a little stunt on Canada AM (National TV in Canada) and some excellent reviews from the local media and newspapers.

Elliott's Home Management Consultants
Go from Chaos to Comfort in the Heart of Your Homestead
Newly released DVD available-Order yours today! Makes a Great Gift Idea
[email protected]

A laundry tip from E.H.M.C.