Building your

Home Management Book

The purpose of this Home Management Book is to help you manage your new life of habits. When you don�t know what to do next, check your Home Management Book.



Find a three-ring-binder, paper, and page protectors, sticky notes, and a pencil. If you want to build this with a planner you are already using or with an unused planner sitting on your shelf, that�s great!

Do not worry about working on this book except on your Office Day. (We�ll talk about Office Day later) You will put this together slowly. Of course you can start using it right away but put it together slowly.

You can print your papers out on the computer or just do some writing on the paper at first and then organize it better at a later time. You need page protectors because you need to protect the pages from your children. Sticky notes stick nicely to page protectors for adjustments on the fly.

Take 7 sheets of paper and at the top of each put the name of the days of the week. We are going to set up our household management like our grandmother�s and their grandmother�s did. There is beauty in order and rhythm. When we know what to do when, and our families know what to do when, it brings security, peace, and comfort. This is true beauty. For the sake of simplicity this is the order we will set it up in but if it doesn�t suit your family�s life, then arrange your days accordingly.

Monday-Laundry Day

Tuesday-Kitchen Day

Wednesday-Office Day

Thursday-Town Day

Friday-Cleaning Day

Saturday-Gardening Day



Write at the top of each page your Morning Routine, every little bit of it. If you are using your computer, copy and paste it on the top of each page. You will do this routine every morning for the rest of your life, it will become an ingrained habit, much like brushing your teeth. Of course, at some point, you might decide you need to drop one of these habits, or add a new one, but for the most part, you need to focus on the same routine every day no matter what.


Work on putting your routine in the most efficient order. A portion of mine looks like this: wash face, put in contacts, put on deodorant, brush teeth, moisturize, and put on glamour. At times, I have woke up late, gone straight to the kitchen in my robe, drank coffee, fed the troops breakfast, started supper and in the process cut up an onion, then back to my bathroom to do the bathroom routine. Have you ever tried to put in contacts after cutting up an onion? It will ruin your day. My thought was, �I�ll get back to my bathroom when these hungry kids are fed first.� Discipline yourself to get up before you are rushed and do your Morning Routine in the most efficient order, contacts before onions.



At the bottom of each page put your Evening Routine, every little thing that you need to do before going to sleep. Some important things to include on this list are:


Prep the kitchen for breakfast. Who wants to wake up to a dirty kitchen? It is so much more pleasant for you and your family to walk into a clean and pleasant kitchen, coffee brewing, breakfast ready to cook.


Check your calendar. Do not be surprised in the morning. Know when you go to sleep what the agenda is for tomorrow.


Lay out your clothes every evening for the appropriate activity scheduled tomorrow. If it is Cleaning Day, put on clothes comfortable for cleaning. If it is Kitchen Day pick out something with short or � sleeves.


Personal Care.


Read Bible and pray. Keep a Bible beside your bed and go to sleep with scripture in your mind.



Add the Noon Routine and The Dinner Hour which include the Table Chores.

You need to establish habits that go with meals for your family to learn. Meal routines and Table Chores will probably need to be posted big and bold somewhere in your kitchen to help teach your family. If they don�t remember what a chore involves you can direct them to the chart.



If you have a MOTH schedule this will fill out the rest of your day. Think of the routines that you are putting in your Home Management Book as the details of the little squares of your MOTH schedule.

If you do not have a MOTH schedule for your clan, then you will need to write down the order of activities you want your family to do during the day.


A few things you will want to include are:


Table Time This is best done after the breakfast table chores are done and before everyone starts going their own direction. Include Bible Study, reciting memory work, practicing reading, learning manners and other group activities that need done at the table.


Work on Phonics with your Non-reader Large families usually have at least one child in the process of learning to read. Spending 15 minutes a day with these children goes a long way towards the goal. It does not need to be drudgery. Make it fun and break it up with you reading a story or a playing a game.


1 hour of Quiet Time You need a break to nap, read, write, think and the children need to learn to be quiet and do something alone for awhile. The older children will learn self-discipline and respect for others during Quiet Time. The little children will get their well-earned nap.


Read Aloud Time� Everyone�s favorite part of the day. I find it best to do after Quiet Time so that I don�t fall asleep reading!


Afternoon Chore Time Your family may choose to have it at a different time of day or break it into two separate times. Our family needs to do a serious house pick up time before dh comes home from work. He likes to come home to a haven of peace and harmony, the smell of supper in the air, a happy wife and content children. Because you are the mother/teacher you might not notice the chaos and clutter that accumulate during the day�s activities but walking into it is not a pretty picture. Create a haven of respite from the world for your husband.


Check your attitude

������������ Your days will not go according to your schedule. God has given you interruptions as a blessing to you and those who interrupt your plan. What your Home Management book does is give you a reference point in managing your home. When you are done with the interruption, go back to your reference point and do the next thing. With a plan in hand, you are working with direction and managing your home in an orderly manner.