January and February Seasonal Work


���������������� Week 1

������������ ������������ Laundry Day

Put salt in the water softener

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Clean the oven and stove vent

Make up a big pot of chicken broth for the sick season.

������������ ������������ Office Day

Clean out files, throw away old records not needed for taxes, organize tax information in specific files


������������ ������������ Town Day

Buy air filter

It�s citrus season. Buy it in bulk if you can and serve it daily for a healthy snack and shot of vitamin C.

������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Change air filter on heater

Wipe door handles and light switches with disinfectant. Consider assigning this as a daily chore during cold and flu season.

Do extra disinfectant cleaning in the bathroom.

������������ ������������ Gardening Day

Peruse garden catalogs, look at your menus, match your favorite food with what you can grow in your climate, make a plan

������������ Week 2

Laundry Day

How are the winter clothes holding out? Do you need to toss some ratty ones?

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Look through your recipe books for some new soup and stew recipes to try

������������ ������������ Office Day

Clean out files, throw away old records not needed for taxes, organize tax information in specific files.

������������ ������������ Town Day

Did you buy citrus produce yet?


������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Wipe door handles and light switches with disinfectant. Consider assigning this as a daily chore during cold and flu season.

Do extra disinfectant cleaning in the bathroom.

������������ ������������ Gardening Day

Peruse garden catalogs, look at your menus, match your favorite food with what you can grow in your climate, make a plan


������������ Week 3

������������ ������������ Laundry Day

Get out your stain treating guide and brush up on it; have a child or two make a poster of how to treat your most common stains to post in the laundry room.

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Make a list of your most commonly used recipes with their ingredients and ask yourself, �Can I grow any of these ingredients in my garden?� and �Is there a healthier or less expensive way of getting these ingredients?�

������������ ������������ Office Day

Clean out files, throw away old records not needed for taxes, organize tax information in specific files.

������������ ������������ Town Day

It�s citrus season. Buy it in bulk if you can and serve it daily for a healthy snack and shot of vitamin C.


������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Launder mattress pads, pillow covers, spreads, and covers in hot water to kill dust mites, this will help a lot of allergic children

Vacuum mattresses and pillows; flip mattresses

Wipe door handles and light switches with disinfectant. Consider assigning this as a daily chore during cold and flu season.

Do extra disinfectant cleaning in the bathroom.

������������ ������������ Gardening Day

Peruse garden catalogs, look at your menus, match your favorite food with what you can grow in your climate, make a plan


������������ Week 4

������������ ������������ Laundry Day

Have you been keeping up with mending and ironing? If not, make a goal and plan how to reach the goal and a plan for how you will keep up with it in the future. Don�t forget to teach your children these tasks.

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Make orange marmalade from the oranges you bought in bulk.


������������ ������������ Office Day

Send off your seed order!

Clean out files, throw away old records not needed for taxes, organize tax information in specific files.

������������ ������������ Town Day

Don�t forget grapefruit, it�s great with a drizzle of honey.

Buy salt for the water softener


������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Wipe door handles and light switches with disinfectant. Consider assigning this as a daily chore during cold and flu season.

Do extra disinfectant cleaning in the bathroom.

������������ ������������ Gardening Day

If you didn�t do it yet, send off your seed order!

Plot your garden on paper.



���������������� Week 1

������������ ������������ Laundry Day

Put salt in the water softener

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Check your supply of chicken broth, and add to it!

������������ ������������ Office Day

Pull books out of shelves, vacuum the books, dust the shelves, reorganize.

Are you ready for taxes? What do you need to do yet? Make a list and work on it every Office Day until you�re done with tax season.

������������ ������������ Town Day

Do you need more hanging files, manilla folders, envelopes, etc. to help you with all of your file organizing?

Buy an air filter.

������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Wipe door handles and light switches with disinfectant. Consider assigning this as a daily chore during cold and flu season.

Do extra disinfectant cleaning in the bathroom.

Change air filter on the furnace.

������������ ������������ Gardening Day

Build or repair your cold frame.

������������ Week 2

Laundry Day

Choose a child and work on training him how to do laundry.

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Look through your most commonly used recipes again; what prep things can you do ahead for these recipes? Add these prep-ahead ideas to do on your kitchen day.

������������ ������������ Office Day

Are you ready for taxes? What do you need to do yet? Make a list and work on it every Office Day until you�re done with tax season.

������������ ������������ Town Day

Keep freezer boxes or Ziplocs on your shopping list to help you be prepared for future Kitchen Days.

������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Wipe door handles and light switches with disinfectant. Consider assigning this as a daily chore during cold and flu season.

Do extra disinfectant cleaning in the bathroom.


������������ ������������ Gardening Day

Start lettuce seed in the cold frame.

������������ ������������ ������������

������������ Week 3

������������ ������������ Laundry Day

Take a good hard look at your laundry processing area. Without spending any money, what can you do to make it more efficient? Ask your children to help with this activity, they often see things that we don�t.

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Choose a child and work on training him on your Kitchen Day routine.

������������ ������������ Office Day

Are you ready for taxes? What do you need to do yet? Make a list and work on it every Office Day until you�re done with tax season.

������������ ������������ Town Day

Ask your friends and neighbors where they shop and why to make sure that you are aware of any new stores that might give you a better price or a healthier alternative.

������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Launder mattress pads, pillow covers, spreads, and covers in hot water to kill dust mites, this will help a lot of allergic children

������������ ������������ Gardening Day

If you haven�t started your lettuce seed in the cold frame yet, do so.

Take a walk around your yard and think about your garden plans.


������������ Week 4

������������ ������������ Laundry Day

Have you been keeping up with mending and ironing? If not, make a goal and plan how to reach the goal and a plan for how you will keep up with it in the future. Don�t forget to teach your children these tasks.

������������ ������������ Kitchen Day

Take a look at your recipe book collection. Give away the unused books. Do you have some unhealthy recipe books that you need to get rid of?

������������ ������������ Office Day

Are you ready for taxes? What do you need to do yet? Make a list and work on it every Office Day until you�re done with tax season.


������������ ������������ Town Day

Buy salt for the water softener

������������ ������������ Cleaning Day

Look out your windows and ask �How can I improve the view this year?�

������������ ������������ Gardening Day

Start to prune fruit trees.

Start broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower seeds indoors.