The Art and Science of Managing the Large Family

Large Family Logistics

Monday Lunch

Easy Homemade Tomato Soup
Chop an onion in the food processor, add celery and a carrot also if you want.
Heat half a stick of butter, or use olive oil, in a Dutch oven or large stock pot; add the chopped veggies and saute.
Mince a garlic clove or 2 into the pot.
Slowly add 1/4 c flour and blend.
Add 1 quart of any tomato product, canned or frozen, juice, whole tomatos, sauce, fresh tomatos -if you use puree or paste then use much less or add a lot of water.
1 quart of chicken broth
pinch of baking soda
salt and pepper
1 t basil
Bring to a good rolling boil.
Add 3 c milk or cream and heat to almost boiling-do not boil. May use water instead of milk.
Can make at 11:30 or so and serve or make early in the morning and put in crockpot to keep warm until noon.
Serve with cheese slices.

Lentil Stew
Chop in the food processor 1 onion and 2 celery ribs.
Saute in large stock pot or dutch oven. Add some chopped bacon if you want.
Add a 1 or 2 cloves minced garlic.
Add 2 c lentils, 1 bay leaf, leftover ham if you have any.
salt and pepper
1 t oregano
Add 4 cups of water.
Simmer for 45 minutes or put in the crockpot on High all morning.

Easy Homemade Tomato Soup

If you have no leftovers from supper here are some ideas, use it as springboard for your own lunch menu.