Easy Homemade Tomato Soup
Chop an onion in the food processor, add celery and a carrot also if you want.
Heat half a stick of butter, or use olive oil, in a Dutch oven or large stock pot; add the chopped veggies and saute.
Mince a garlic clove or 2 into the pot.
Slowly add 1/4 c flour and blend.
Add 1 quart of any tomato product, canned or frozen, juice, whole tomatos, sauce, fresh tomatos -if you use puree or paste then use much less or add a lot of water.
1 quart of chicken broth
pinch of baking soda
salt and pepper
1 t basil
Bring to a good rolling boil.
Add 3 c milk or cream and heat to almost boiling-do not boil. May use water instead of milk.
Can make at 11:30 or so and serve or make early in the morning and put in crockpot to keep warm until noon.
Serve with cheese slices.
Lentil Stew
Chop in the food processor 1 onion and 2 celery ribs.
Saute in large stock pot or dutch oven. Add some chopped bacon if you want.
Add a 1 or 2 cloves minced garlic.
Add 2 c lentils, 1 bay leaf, leftover ham if you have any.
salt and pepper
1 t oregano
Add 4 cups of water.
Simmer for 45 minutes or put in the crockpot on High all morning.