Young Entreprenuerials ���������� Training Our Children to be Productive |
My name is Alyssa Yoder and I am 15 years old. I am the eldest of four (yes only 4) children and I live in an entreprenuering family. In case you are wondering what that big word means here is the Webster�s Dictionary definition: one who organizes and assumes the risk of a business or enterprise. When I was 9 my parents decided that it was time I had my first entrepreneurial experience. As Kim�s family was already going to the local farmers market, we decided that I would go with them. I would be selling Salted Nut Rolls; the recipe will be included at the end of the article.
My mom helped me make the Salted Nut Rolls. After they were done and cooled it was my job to cut them into 2x3 squares, wrap them in saran wrap and put the price tags on them. I sold them for $0.75.� I also liked to arrange them in a nice basket. Presentation is a good business tactic. At the farmers market we had to set up our table that displayed our goods, then wait for customers. The farmers market usually lasted about 2 hours. Some weeks I didn�t sell much and some weeks I sold a lot.
This is a great first time enterprise for anyone, but don�t get discouraged if the first couple of times you don�t sell much. You can try different recipes. Start with your favorite cookie recipe first and if that doesn�t work try your favorite bar recipe. You can also sell breads, rolls, pies, fresh fruits and vegetables and just about any thing else you can think of.� After a few trips to the farmers market you might have some return customers that like something specific that you have to sell and if you don�t have it that week they might give you a hard time about it. This is a great way to learn character building and business skills.
Salted Nut Roll
1 box yellow cake mix 2/3 cup butter - softened 1 egg
Mix together. Pat into 10x15 greased pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 20 minuets or until lightly golden brown. Remove from oven. Cover top with 1 bag mini marshmallows. Put back in oven for 5 to 10 minuets until marshmallows are puffy and some are golden. Let cool.
Melt together: (I use the microwave on defrost for 2 minutes) � cup butter 1 10 oz. package peanut butter chips 2/3 cup white corn syrup
Pour peanut butter mixture over marshmallows. Quickly sprinkle 1 jar of dry roasted peanuts over mixture and press into top.
Have Fun and Best Wishes! |
You can also sell breads, rolls, pies, fresh fruits and vegetables and just about any thing else you can think of. |
Salted Nut Roll Bars |
Date: 12/05 |