Tuesday-Kitchen Day

Kitchen Day is the day when you do the big tasks and clean. Set aside a day for this for the sake of efficiency. If you keep your focus in the kitchen for a day it will help out your family�s health, grocery budget, cleanliness and general well being. Big famlies make big messes. They also require a lot of food and making a lot of food makes a lot of mess. Small families may be able to go longer times between certain cleaning jobs but if you haven�t figured it out yet, the life span of a cleaning job is greatly reduced in large families.


To start with, write out the weekly cleaning chores for the kitchen. This is the day that you and the children do those chores. If everyone does one or two tasks from the list every week, the kitchen stays clean with little effort. Each task can be done in just a few minutes if it�s done weekly. It turns into drudgery when something is not kept up with.


Weekly Kitchen Chores:

Wipe appliances

 Clean stove hood

 Clean top of stove

 Organize and clean one drawer

 Organize and clean one cupboard

 Organize and clean one pantry shelf

 Remove counter clutter and wipe counter

 Clean out refrigerator

 Clean top of refrigerator

 Clean kitchen window

 Scrub kitchen sink and faucet crevices

 Scrub dish drainer

 Mop floor




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