Wednesday-Office Day

Every time you clear an area or clean out a drawer, claim it as yours, it no longer belongs to the paper monster. Do not let anything be placed there to clutter it up again. Put a vase of flowers, framed art, or a picture of your children there to claim the spot. You will not lay paper there again. The paper has it�s place you now keep it in it�s place, whether it�s the trash can, a lovely basket or a file.


Once you have the paper under control, clean out the desk drawers, cupboards, shelves and other areas that are part of your Home Office. Do not get overwhelmed, do this slowly one place at a time. 10 minutes at a time, taking frequent breaks. Take weeks to do this but conquer this beast and get the Home Office up and running.


Now that everything is clean and orderly, work on getting your plans in place. A menu plan of 31 meals that you can reference for meals. A home book for writing down decorating ideas and pasting in pictures. Lesson plans and your own family scope and sequence plan. Financial goals and the plan to reach those goals. Garden and landscape plans.


As Home Office Manager you will now be calm and relaxed because you have an orderly place to plan your work and reference your plans. The Home Office will be a rock in your house. The hub from which you run your daily operations. It will be� a well ordered reference point from which you plan and set forth


Little by little you will gain control of this area of life.� Once you have your base operations, you won�t know how you got along without it. With structure and routine, you know what to expect. You can anticipate surprises and plan for them. It is well worth it to dedicate one day a week to the Home Office.

Assign a day of the week to your Home Office. Add this to your Home Management Book. The goal is a Home Office where you take care of the business side of life. From menu plans to financial investments. Anything to do with paper, pencils, numbers, money, and planning you need to take seriously and respectfully in an orderly manner.


When we don�t take time to deal with all the paper in our lives then it turns into a monster. The paper monster. Books have been written about the paper monster. This will just be a short article in how to kill him and it�s really simple. Take one day of the week and spend it at your desk, not surfing the net or reading emails but in getting the finances and the paper under control.


If the thought of a whole day fighting this monster is overwhelming, then break it up into chunks. Spend 10 minutes tackling 1 paper pile. Then go read a story to your children. Come back to the desk and spend 10 minutes straightening a drawer. Then go get a drink of water and look out your kitchen window for a bit. Then tackle another paper pile. Just work slow and steady. You do not need to kill the monster in a day, just wound him. Let him know that his days are numbered. You�re coming back next week, same day, same place, and sooner or later he is going to die and you will be the victor. You will be a Home Office Manager and you will be great at your job, 10 minutes at a time, one day a week, for the rest of your life.

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