Is this a picture of your home? Do you have disorganization, mess, and Littles running rampant?

Welcome to

Are you struggling with home management?
Can you keep things clean and homeschool?
The purpose of Large Family Logistics is to help Christian homeschooling mothers with the daily tasks of home management.
If your family is not large or you are not homeschooling please do not feel that you are not welcome. There will still be things that apply to your life, make the systems fit your family life.

Large Family Logistics yahoo group is an announcement style email group. You will receive daily reminder messages of tasks to help you in managing the large homeschooling family.

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� A newsletter to help in

�Managing the Large Family

*Top 10 home management problems and the solutions


*Articles written by children of large families


*Home Maintenance-detailing seasonal chores


*Homekeeping Tips and Hints


*Articles encouraging and inspiring you onward and upward

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TheArt and Science of Manaing the Large Family

Large Family Logistics

Large Family Logistics will help you:


 Bring discipline to your life.

 Clean your house and keep it clean.

 Keep up with the laundry. Bit by bit we can do this!

 Manage your kitchen from menu making, to freezing meals, to daily cleaning tasks.

 Manage your home office. How to stay on top of the paper piles.

 Strategic shopping with children in tow.

 How to fit homeschooling in with your home management system. Chores and schoolwork can both get done.

 Gardening, otherwise know as nearly free organic food.

 Preparing for the Lord�s Day.

 How to plan for hospitality and service work.

 Fitting in crafts, sewing, and scrapbooking.

 You get the idea; we�re going to work on it all.


Take these directions and use it as a springboard for ideas that fit your life. We all have unique families and living circumstances.